Blackbird Incense Featured on Hello Real Life

Blackbird's incense is in good company in this nifty feature over on Hello Real Life.
Good Vibrations
By Mindy White on December 8, 2017
Now that The Beach Boys are stuck in your head, what I really want to talk about is energy. Ever since I was little, I’ve been intrigued with magic, energy, angels, spirits, faith—you name it—I was always curious. I think it’s just the unknown itself that fascinates me, especially energy.
There’s a lot more to the saying “good vibes only.” It’s because we, as in humans, people, plants and objects constantly give off vibrations. We’ve all been around people that have a negative vibe, been to a place with amazing energy (like the ocean or a park), and met someone with addictive spirit that we want to be around more and more. That’s energy working. And, that’s why it’s important to learn how to control your own energy so you’re not as easily affected by other’s. That’s where things like crystals, oils, smudges, and other metaphysical findings come into play. In a similar way that people wear crosses around their necks, when used correctly and spiritually, these items can help you control, deflect, and even attract certain energies. Not to mention, they’re just beautiful and comforting to have around.
Visit the blog post to view the entire gift guide.