The most frequently asked question we get these days is, "what's the difference between Pipe Bomb and Pipe Bomb Intense?" If you've smelled the original Pipe Bomb, this is an easy question to answer, but if not it will take a little trust and imagination - we'll get to that in a bit.
THE NAME: We receive very few questions about the name Pipe Bomb which is surprising. The name Pipe Bomb came about when we realized that it takes so damn long for the scent to develop on the skin, like a long lit fuse waiting to ignite. It can take up to 20 minutes before you smell anything. The other reason is that one of the ingredients persistently tries to return to its crystalline form and always ends up crusting up the edge of the bottle. Some customers complain thinking it's a defective bottle but it's just the nature of the perfume and something you might see if building your own explosives. It should also be noted that when shipping this product we have to change the name sometimes to not shut down airports. We're peaceful folks here at Blackbird so please note that this product is about perfume explosion and that is all.

SCENT NOTES saltwater, metal, amber
50% your skin delayed subtle futuristic lingering buoyant gentle sensual
SCENT NOTES saltwater, metal, amber, oud
0% your skin instant demanding ancient smoldering grounded assertive industrial