Universal Supreme is the absolute freedom of summer. Inescapable heat, cherry ice pops, absolutely nothing to do (yet so much to do), laying in warm grass watching the stars, hot asphalt, riding bikes, scraped up knees and elbows, screaming without a care in the world and having no idea what time it is.
This scent brings me back to pre-teen years riding my bike around my neighborhood after a dip at the pool, stopping to grab a cherry popsicle from the garage fridge on a hot summer day. I am always complemented when wearing this scent. I've been told while wearing this that I smell incredible but indescribable with a hint of candy. I've tried broken glass and Ophir, both of which are amazing and I loved, but this might be my most reached for because it evokes a very specific feeling of freedom and joy for me.
Cherry popsicles and asphalt are dead on, with the cedar and frankincense adding depth and warmth to what could easily be cold and sterile. The chlorine notes are subtle and come in later, but add a sense of intimacy. A perfect scent for those who insist on wearing leather jackets even in the height of the California sun.